Everyone Knows the Typical Interview Process, Right?

On average, the job interview process takes a surprising 22.9 days to complete. This showcases the fact that the typical interview process is much more involved than simply sitting down with a candidate for a quick chat and making a decision about extending an offer. Instead, interview processes are multistaged ventures designed to evaluate candidates in multiple ways, with the goal being to improve the outcome. While every company’s process […]

What Is the Full Life Cycle of Recruiting?

The complete recruitment lifecycle is actually fairly complex. There are many steps between determining you need to hire a new employee and a new hire reaching full productivity as an official member of your permanent staff. By exploring each of the recruiting lifecycle phases, you can better understand the nuances of hiring. With that in mind, here’s […]

The Benefits of Hiring a Contract Recruiter

Companies often have fluctuating needs when it comes to their workforce. Many businesses are impacted by seasonal shifts in demand, creating periods where supplementing the size of their staff is essential. Others may need short-term assistance to cover permanent employee absences, such as when a key employee takes a vacation. Often, the process of acquiring […]

5 of the Best Recruiting Tools You Can Use Now

Today, recruiters must deal with the challenges of a tight labor market. There simply aren’t enough candidates to go around. As a result, 50 percent of human resource managers say that they are struggling to find qualified job seekers for at least one opening. While there isn’t much that can be done about the state of the labor market […]

Improve Your Hiring Process Using Analytics

On average, it takes 42 days to fill a vacant position. This is due, in part, to skill shortages in various industries. Nearly 73% of employers admit they are struggling to find the talent they need. As the market becomes more competitive, those statistics could get worse unless the proper methodologies are used. In many cases, data analytics serves as the […]

Is It Time for Live Video Interviewing Instead of in Person?

Today, the job market is candidate-driven. Unemployment remains low, and competition for top talent is fierce. As a result, companies are having to consider deviating from traditional hiring paradigms. It is unreasonable to expect job seekers to jump through a lot of hoops or inconvenience themselves as they are being recruited. Instead, employers need to […]

Why Diversity Should Matter to Recruiters

Most recruiters understand that diversity can play a role in a company’s success. When a variety of perspectives are brought together, organizations typically benefit. They may become more innovative or be better attuned to a broader customer base, both of which can lead to higher profits.  Additionally, higher levels of diversity also have positive impacts […]

What Are the Benefits of RPO?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) provides a variety of services that range from handling part of the recruitment process, to providing full recruitment services to clients. RPO providers have the ability to find, choose, vet and onboard talent for clients – all while keeping its involvement tailored to the client’s preferences. RPO serves as a solution for filling open positions within […]

Integrating Your Recruitment Strategies Into the Community

Every employer is having to contend with a candidate-driven market, increasing the level of competition for top talent. Today, 50% of human resource managers admit they can’t find qualified candidates for at least one open position. Considering the best candidates are typically off the market within a mere 10 days, the recruitment strategies of yesteryear might be partially […]